Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The South

I saw this photo online today and it made me stop in my tracks.
As most of you know my good friend, Rebekkah, moved recently with her family to Atlanta. I talked to her this past weekend and she said that they have been in the clear of the flooding, although homes a half a mile away did get flooded.

If your local news is like ours, then you probably haven’t heard much about the floods, so I thought I would share with you the email she sent me after I sent her the photo of the amusement park.

I had heard the park flooded, but had not seen any pictures. They say it has happened before and that the rides were built to withstand floods. This park is about 10 miles from our house (at most). It is crazy that people all around us were hit this bad by the flood and we were completely unaffected. The houses 1/2 mile away were flooded past the second levels. Several of them are built 13 feet of the ground due to being so close to the Chattahoochee river, and they still got major damage. it was the worst flood ever recorded in history here. The record high flood levels were beaten in some areas by as much as 14 feet from previous flood records. That is amazing to me. One county near us got 22 or 23 inches of rain in 24 hours. I can't even imagine how that is possible. It is a waterfall more than rain.

I can’t even imagine being in that kind of rainfall, especially when it rains maybe 14 days out of the year here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! What a terrible situation! All we see in the
news here is the tsunami in American Samoa.