Saturday, November 14, 2009


It's been a month since I posted. I know...I know. I really have no excuse. I could blame Facebook (again) and now FarmVille...but how lame does that sound? I have all these things I could write about...long stories with lots of photos, but when I think about how much work it would be to create one, I think about how easy it would be to go harvest my crops. Seriously.

I got somewhat inspired by this entry this morning. Her DDD adventures in Portland were AWESOME...almost as awesome as mine in New Mexico. What adventures you might ask? I know! I have yet to tell you.

I actually feel guilty that I have been neglecting this blog. I think I'm going to take a break until 2010. Maybe if I tell myself that I can't blog until then it will have the reverse affect and I will want to blog. You never know.


Sarah said...

I know how you feel. Blogging used to be so fun. Now I'm just not into it.

Sarah A. said...

well now.. I think blogging is awesome! :) But you're right.. it's sooo much work!

Brianne said...

Crazy that I had more time to blog when I was working...I'll blame it on the baby. Haha! Hopefully one of these days I'll get around to doing it again too.

Michelle said...

Hi my name is Michelle and I stumbled upon your blog while I was researching Fine Needle Biopsies. I'm having my second biopsy on Tuesday 12/8 and was so interested in your thyroid blogging that I read the whole series you did. I live in San Jose, CA and would love to pick your brain if that's ok? here's my email Thanks in advance.

chrrrrrs said...

it's 2010!! we're ready for a new post!