Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Cash Only and PIP

Our first day in Fortuna was lots of fun. We spent the first two days of our trip with my family. On the first day we got up early and let the visiting commence! Man are we a bunch of gabbers! When lunchtime came around everyone had leftovers from the night before, so John and I volunteered to go to Campton Heights Market, (small market), to pick up the roast for the dinner the next night. (And to also get us some lunch). As we are checking out I had the cashier my credit card and she says they only take cash but they have an ATM machine. What the heck? Where am I in Los Osos? (No offense to those who like Los Osos… LO is the only other place I know where multiple places do not take plastic). Luckily I did have some cash from the football pool I won (see future entry in a week).

Once we made it back with our vitals we all headed up to Eureka to see The Good Shepard. Even though I am a HUGE Matt Damon fan, I wasn't that big of a fan of the movie. I also don't think it helped that I was tired. Anyway if you are a fan of spy/CIA movies then this is the flick for you. I think most of the family enjoyed it, which was good. Amy and I were the only ones that needed some clarification at the end.

Anywho, we stopped off at a new fish place in town for dinner and then headed to Costco to try to find a new TV for my dad. We thought we had found the one, however it did not come with PIP (picture in picture), which my dad informed us it HAS TO HAVE, since that is the only way he can watch TV with my mom… his show in the small screen and my mom's in the large one. So that was a slightly disappointing trip. However next it was on to Gottschalk's where John and I found a perfect gift for his mom. A solar powered home address sign. I remember her saying she wanted one a long time ago and there it was… on sale too!


Mauleigh said...

Love the pic! I didn't know that you and Matt were friends? Do you have the same hair stylist?
I went to CHM to get applesauce after church and we had to go out the car to dig out change to pay for it! And the ATM's weren't working!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo! You should have told the folks about Norma's classic comments during the long, long movie. Blogging is better than talking!

Unknown said...

Hey, I may not be too tech-savvy,but I know a phoney photo when I see one!